But I do have some very exciting news....
Two days ago I underwent laser eye surgery and although it is still early days, my vision - for the first time in nearly 20 years without glasses or contact lenses - is extremely good!
I'm so excited about the life-changing benefits of this surgery. No more fiddling around with contact lenses and solution, no more worrying about how long I've had my lenses in, no more feeling self-conscious in my glasses. Imagine, next time I bag a Munro, I won't have to put my lenses in before starting the walk! Next time I go wild swimming, I won't have to stress about getting water in my eyes. Next time I wake up in a tent, I won't have to fumble for my glasses. I'll just be able to see!
For those of you who wake up in the morning with 20/20 vision, imagine for a moment what it's like not to be able to do that. Since primary school, I haven't had one morning where I've woken up and been able to see properly (well actually, there were a few mornings-after-uni-nights-out where I woke up with my contacts in - but my eyes were subsequently very dry and sore! Not recommended!). Yesterday, less than 24 hours after laser eye surgery (which, I'll be honest, was pretty uncomfortable and unpleasant - but only lasted around 10 minutes) I woke up and could see. A miracle!
My eyes are a wee bit red and my vision is a bit blurry. It'll take a week or so to settle down. However, I am delighted with the results so far.
I tried to dig out a few photos of me in glasses as a reminder, but I realised that I subconsciously, and rather vainly, tended to remove my glasses prior to a photo being taken. So here's a wee selection of what I could find - from the early days of milk bottle glasses to my most recent!

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