Oh January...

Here we are, on the 31st of January. Is it just me or does January feel like a long tiring endurance race where the end is never in sight...until you finally, eventually, make it to the finish line. Only to be rewarded with, yup you've guessed it - February. 

Most of the time I don't subscribe to the concept of the January or February blues. I try to see the positives - um, makes us appreciate March more? Of course it feels like a grind but it's not that bad. It goes quickly, the nights start to draw out, there's Burns Night, and the Six Nations start...

But for various reasons this January has felt like more of a struggle than previous years. Perhaps after such a relaxing, enjoyable festive period, January was going to pale in comparison. Family time is so precious these days, and "normality" becomes far more of a struggle. 

I didn't help myself by wallowing in the delightful nostalgia of 2013. If it wasn't for writing that blog post about my highlights of 2013, I may well have forgotten how active my January/February was. I managed a number of successful walks, yet so far 2014 has only brought one.

In my defence, the weather has been shocking in these first 31 days of 2014, and surely worse than last year, if my memory serves me right. Also, this time last year I was finalising my plans for the West Highland Way, so I had something tangible to train for. In fact I was so terrified that I wouldn't be fit enough, I walked everywhere I possibly could.

Without such a tangible target I have become distracted. I'm also being very hard on myself - having moved house three months ago, weekends have been spent doing 'house stuff'. I'm constantly tired from the 3 hours of commuting I've added onto each weekday, and energy and enthusiasm are words that don't belong to me this January.

Perhaps I need another target, another walk, another challenge to focus on. I'm determined to bag my 28th Munro before or on my 28th birthday. I'm determined to complete at least one long distance trail in 2014 - I just don't know which or when.

Oh January. You sweep in so full of promise at midnight; yet by 5pm you are dreary, dull, angst-ridden, forgetful, frustrating.

February, let's be having you!
