
I just cannot believe August is almost upon us! The month that all of us in the tourism industry love and dread in equal measure! Edinburgh is notably busier and it's that crazy month where it takes twice as long to get anywhere.

July has passed quickly and has also been busy.

Dave and I took our new wetsuits to St Mary's Loch near Traquair a few weeks ago and had a wee swim. It was a very rainy day but we didn't care, we were just so excited to be there!

We got some strange looks from nearby fishermen and from cars that passed, but we were buzzing with excitement.

We were in the water for about an hour, not doing too much swimming but just enjoying our surroundings. Once we were out of the water, out of our wetsuits and back in the car (aka the tricky part!) I felt unbelievably energised and good. Amazing - I'd like more of that feeling!!

We drove through the Yarrow valley to Selkirk, a lovely day, eating chocolate and drinking our flask of tea. Later that evening I felt absolutely exhausted but a good exhausted - like I'd achieved something.

Dave and I haven't had a chance to get out in the water again since but we keep talking about our next adventure.

However my imminent next adventure is a very exciting walk - I'll be starting the Cateran Trail very soon and I can't wait! Photos and blog to come soon!
