Keeping my spirits up

If I stop giving myself a hard time for a moment, I realise that it is the simple things that make me happy and lift my spirits.

For example, I felt a wee bit low on Monday morning, so I asked myself - what would make me happy right now? The answer came instantly - go to the beach!!

And so I took myself off to Gullane, East Lothian, and spent hours on the beach; walking, reading, sitting, thinking. It was bloody freezing. But also, it was a beautiful day.

I reflected on the fact that at this exact time last year (Monday afternoon, the week before Christmas) I was stuck at a desk. I'd travelled to work in darkness, and I'd leave work and travel home in darkness. I probably didn't go outside for my lunch, meaning I didn't actually get any daylight that day. Or many days like that one. I was extremely unhappy, and looking for change. A whole year ago.

I only made that change a month ago, so it took me long enough, and it has been a turbulent time since in terms of my emotions. However, in that moment, on the beach, in the sunshine, on the 15th of December 2014, I realised that I've come a long way in a year. And that I'd much rather be on a beach in the freezing cold than stuck at a desk, miserable, getting no daylight whatsoever.

Of course, "chilling" on the beach doesn't pay the bills. I know that. But I'm working on a masterplan, fear not!
In the meantime, I am equally enjoying and struggling with this time. I am certainly learning things about myself.

I am following the clouds. Today I went out for my daily stroll (can be anywhere from two to ten miles) and without a plan, I took the direction that afforded the best clouds. I just love clouds. They lift my spirits - so why not follow them?
