Being thankful...

There's a sense of relief about getting to the end of January in one piece! I know I shouldn't wish time away, but it can often feel like a survival month.

Not that February is all that much better, but at least there is rugby to look forward to, and slowly but surely the days are getting longer and lighter. When I leave work now, it is light - that is progress!

When my morning commute is no longer in the dark, that's when I'll feel I have emerged from the darkness of winter!

January has brought some fun moments though, as well as happy ones, sad ones and a couple of stressful ones.

The highlight I think has to be the snowy Sunday morning spent at Dryburgh Abbey - one of my favourite places. It looked even more beautiful than ever, and it almost felt a shame to make footprints in the snow - so pristine it was!
The low point of January was having to say goodbye to our family dog Robbie. So many happy memories of the past 12 years or so...a small selection of these below. I am thankful for them all.




